School of Animation
Games and VFX
Our Subjects
Meet our industry-experienced tutors
They all have industry experience and are experts in their fields, including certified trainers for Unreal Engine, Autodesk and Houdini. They've worked at studios such as Walt Disney, EA and Framestore, on credits including Doctor Strange, Kingsman and Bond: Spectre.
What's on
Saturday 21st September, 10:00am & 1:15pm
Undergraduate open days
Discover our degrees in Animation, Games and VFX, meet our expert tutors and inspirational alumni and receive top tips for your portfolio.
Saturday 19th October, 2:00pm
Postgraduate and short course open events
Meet our team, hear about our postgraduate and short courses and get all your burning questions answered.
Weeknights in November
Postgraduate and short course taster sessions
Get a hands-on feel for what it's like to study with us by joining one of our practical taught sessions.
Catch up on previous talks with Meet the Masters: On-demand
Meet The Masters
Meet industry experts and Escapees who have studied with us and have mastered their craft in the creative industries, working with impressive studios on major films, games and TV shows.